Welcome to JMT’s Golden Pot Jewelry Saving Scheme, a meticulously crafted program tailored to assist you in gradually accumulating savings towards your cherished jewelry acquisitions. We recognize the profound significance jewelry holds in your life, whether as adornments for special occasions or as prudent investments. Our scheme is ingeniously structured to facilitate the accumulation of savings while presenting enticing discounts and benefits upon redemption for jewelry purchases.

In our Jewelry Saving Scheme, customers are empowered to make fixed monthly contributions, ranging from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 30,000, in multiples of Rs. 1000. This fixed installment amount remains constant over the 11-month duration of the scheme, ensuring simplicity and steadfastness in your savings endeavor.

The monthly installment model operates in two distinct but complementary ways:

  1. Accumulated Weight: Each monthly installment is seamlessly converted into gold weight, determined by the prevailing 22k gold rate on the date of payment. This ensures that your contributions directly correlate with the value of gold, offering a transparent and tangible savings mechanism.
  2. Accumulated Value: Simultaneously, your monthly installment is also preserved in its monetary form. This dual approach provides flexibility and diversity in your savings portfolio, catering to varying preferences and objectives.

Redemption options:

  1. Using Accumulated Weight: Opting for this route enables customers to avail themselves of a substantial 50% discount on the wastage/ value addition (VA) associated with gold jewelry (upto 18%). This option harmoniously merges the tangible weight of gold with attractive discounts, offering an economically prudent approach to fulfilling your jewelry aspirations.
  2. Using Accumulated Value: Alternatively, customers may elect to redeem their savings entirely in its monetary value. By doing so, customers enjoy a generous 100% discount on the wastage/ value addition (VA) associated with gold jewelry purchases (upto 18%). This option provides unparalleled flexibility, allowing customers to leverage their savings in a manner that best aligns with their preferences and requirements.

Our Jewelry Saving Scheme gives you more than just savings. We want to make your jewelry shopping experience extra special with these added perks:

  1. For Gemstone Studded Gold Jewelry: If you choose this option, you get a big discount of 50% on the wastage/ value addition (VA) for gold jewelry (up to 18%). Plus, you get an extra 5% off on the value of gemstones. This means you get great value for your money and top-notch craftsmanship for your gemstone-studded gold jewelry.
  2. For Diamond Jewelry: If you pick diamond jewelry, you get a nice 15% discount on the diamond’s value, up to the amount you’ve saved. This discount shows our commitment to giving you luxurious diamond jewelry that’s affordable without compromising on quality.
  3. For Platinum Jewelry: If you love platinum, you’re in luck! You’ll get a lovely 15% discount on the value of platinum jewelry, up to the amount you’ve saved. This shows how serious we are about offering you high-quality jewelry made from the best materials.
  4. For Silver Jewelry: As a thank-you for choosing us, if you go for silver jewelry, you’ll get a bonus equal to one month’s installment amount. This makes your savings go further, letting you pick out beautiful silver pieces that match your style.
  5. For Silver Articles or Piece Rate Jewelry: If you’re interested in silver articles or piece rate jewelry, we have some great deals for you too. You’ll get a bonus equal to one month’s installment amount, adding extra value to your savings. Plus, you’ll enjoy an extra 5% discount on the maximum retail price (MRP), up to the amount you’ve saved. This shows how much we want to give you great value for your silver jewelry purchases.

Jewellery Items

Accumulated Weight

Accumulated Amount

Gold Jewellery

50% Discount on Wastage/VA (up to 18%)

100% Discount on Wastage/VA (up to 18%)

Gold Gemstone Jewellery

50% Discount on Wastage/VA (up to 18%) + Additional 5% Discount on Stone Value

100% Discount on Wastage/VA (up to 18%) + Additional 5% Discount on Stone Value

Diamond Jewellery

15% Discount on Diamond Value (up to accumulated amount)

Platinum Jewellery

15% Discount on Platinum Value (up to accumulated amount)

Silver Jewellery

One Month’s Instalment Bonus

Silver Articles/ Piece Rate Items

One Month’s Instalment Bonus + Additional 5% Discount on MRP (up to accumulated amount)

Golden Pot Purchase Plan- 1000 -

Plan Type:


Plan Duration:

11 Months

You Pay Per Month : ₹ 1000

Total Amount You Pay : ₹ 11000

Golden Pot Purchase Plan -2000 -

Plan Type:


Plan Duration:

11 Months

You Pay Per Month : ₹ 2000

Total Amount You Pay : ₹ 22000

Golden Pot Purchase Plan- 3000 -

Plan Type:


Plan Duration:

11 Months

You Pay Per Month : ₹ 3000

Total Amount You Pay : ₹ 33000

Golden Pot Purchase Plan- 4000 -

Plan Type:


Plan Duration:

11 Months

You Pay Per Month : ₹ 4000

Total Amount You Pay : ₹ 44000

Golden Pot Purchase Plan- 5000 -

Plan Type:


Plan Duration:

11 Months

You Pay Per Month : ₹ 5000

Total Amount You Pay : ₹ 55000

Golden Pot Purchase Plan- 10,000 -

Plan Type:


Plan Duration:

11 Months

You Pay Per Month : ₹ 10000

Total Amount You Pay : ₹ 110000

Golden Pot Purchase Plan- 15,000 -

Plan Type:


Plan Duration:

11 Months

You Pay Per Month : ₹ 15000

Total Amount You Pay : ₹ 165000

Golden Pot Purchase Plan- 20,000 -

Plan Type:


Plan Duration:

11 Months

You Pay Per Month : ₹ 20000

Total Amount You Pay : ₹ 220000

Golden Pot Purchase Plan- 25,000 -

Plan Type:


Plan Duration:

11 Months

You Pay Per Month : ₹ 25000

Total Amount You Pay : ₹ 275000

Golden Pot Purchase Plan- 30,000 -

Plan Type:


Plan Duration:

11 Months

You Pay Per Month : ₹ 30000

Total Amount You Pay : ₹ 330000


What is the Jewelry Saving Scheme offered by JMT's Showroom?

The Jewelry Saving Scheme is a structured savings plan designed to help customers gradually accumulate funds for purchasing jewelry. It offers fixed monthly instalment options and attractive discounts and benefits upon redemption for jewelry purchases at JMT’s Showroom.

How does the Jewelry Saving Scheme work?

Customers can choose a fixed monthly installment amount ranging from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 30,000, payable for an 11-month period. These installments are saved in two ways: as accumulated gold weight based on prevailing rates and as accumulated monetary value.

What are the redemption options available under the scheme?
  • Upon maturity of the scheme, customers have two options to redeem their savings:
  • Using Accumulated Weight: Avail a 50% discount (up to 18%) on wastage/VA for gold jewelry.
  • Using Accumulated Value: Enjoy a 100% discount (up to 18%) on gold jewelry
What additional benefits are offered under the Jewelry Saving Scheme?

Customers can purchase any jewelry available at JMT’s Showroom.

Depending on the type of jewelry chosen, additional benefits include discounts on gemstone-studded gold jewelry, diamond jewelry, platinum jewelry, silver jewelry, silver articles, or piece rate jewelry.

What are the conditions for redemption?

Customers must redeem the plan within 15 days of maturity or within 345 days of enrollment.

Cash refunds are not provided. Redemption is possible only through cheque or bank transfer, without any additional benefits, in case of pre-closure or default in monthly installments.

Can customers choose any jewelry piece available at JMT's Showroom for redemption?

Yes, customers have the flexibility to select any jewelry piece available at the showroom for redemption, including gold, diamond, platinum, and silver jewelry, subject to availability.

What happens if a customer wants to pre-close the scheme or defaults on monthly installments?

In such cases, the customer can opt for redemption through cheque or bank transfer without any additional benefits. Cash refunds are not provided.

How is the maturity period of the scheme calculated?

The maturity period of the scheme is 11 months from the date of enrollment.

Are there any penalties for pre-closing the scheme or defaulting on installments?

There are no penalties, but customers forfeit the additional benefits associated with the scheme if they pre-close or default on monthly installments.

Can customers extend the maturity period of the scheme?

No, the maturity period of the scheme is fixed at 11 months. Customers must redeem their savings within this period.